The Agrisana OP


Agricultural Cooperative Society established in 2015 in Sciacca in the province of Agrigento, is an organization of olive producers that, thanks to the support of its members, works for the protection of Sicilian olive growing and the enhancement of the extra virgin olive oil product.

We are a network of olive growers governed by the principles of responsibility, capable of adapting to rapid market changes, trained and informed to live in the age of complexity.

Agrisana intends to disseminate among its members, in a regime of conventional cultivation, systems of integrated and or of organic cultivation and defence techniques of the olive grove that contribute to the reduction of the environmental impact caused by olive farming.


Our Territory

The area of Sciacca expresses a subtle balance between sea, sun and land, factors that make the Mediterranean climate rich in biodiversity, with bright and harmonious colours, intense and delicate aromas, which are all present in the local extra virgin olive oil. It is an olive growing area, with many indigenous cultivars; the varieties Cerasuola, Biancolilla and Nocellara del Belice , are particularly popular.

Varieties grown by Agrisana members

Cerasuola (Purrittara, Ugghiarola, Palerminata)
Vertically rising plant with high productivity, yield greater than 20%. The leaves are medium sized, elliptical-lanceolate and light green in colour. Small drupe with an elliptical and slightly asymmetrical shape. It is certainly one of the most widespread cultivars in Sicily, present in the provinces of Palermo, Trapani and Agrigento (limitedly in the territory of Sciacca).
Cerasuola olives are excellent for producing an extra virgin olive oil characterized by a rather marked aroma with a bitter and spicy prevalence, hints of green pepper and green olives.


Biancolilla (Carbucia, Janculidda)
A plant with contained growth and expanded foliage, with a yield of around 20%. The leaves are of medium size, elliptical-lanceolate and light green in colour. Medium-sized drupes, ovoid shape. Widespread in western Sicily in the provinces of Agrigento, Trapani and Palermo. An oil of good quality and shelf life; medium fruity, slightly spicy and bitter with hints of sweet almond.


Nocellara del Belice (Nuciddara, Tunna)
A plant of modest growth with a rather flared crown, and a yield of 15 – 18%. The leaves are medium sized, elliptical-lanceolate and of a shiny bright green colour. A drupe with spheroidal shape, with a wide rounded base. It is the dominant cultivar in the Belice Valley, present and widespread in the provinces of Agrigento and Trapani. The oil obtained has an intense fruitiness, spicy and bitter harmony, with notes of almond, tomato and thistle.



Registered office in SCIACCA (AG) – VIA VERDI n. 27
Registration number in the Register of Companies of the AG and tax code 02772350845
REA No. 00205702 of AG

Transparency obligations Law no. 124 of 2017
(Annual law for the market and competitors)
Communication 2019 relating to the sums received in 2018
The annual law for the market and competition (Law 4 August 2017, no. 124) in Article 1, paragraphs 125-129 provide for specific transparency obligations for companies and associations benefiting from contributions and subsidies from public administrations. Specifically, there is an obligation to publish, on its websites or digital portals, information relating to grants, contributions, paid assignments and in any case to economic benefits of any kind received by the same public administrations and by the same subjects in the previous year.
The aforementioned communication obligation, for the O.P. Agrisana Agricultural Cooperative Society, based in Sciacca in Via Verdi n. 27, tax code and VAT number 02772350845, registered in the National Register of Cooperative Societies under number C / 106328, will indicate:
the name and tax code of the recipient;
the name of the lender;
the amount collected;
the date of collection
the reason.
Prospectus of information relating to transparency obligations pursuant to Law 124/2017
RECEIVING PARTY: Agrisana Soc. Coop. Agricola – tax code
DISTRIBUTOR: A.G.E.A. (Agency for the
Disbursements in Agriculture)
AMOUNT COLLECTED: € 114,536.72
COLLECTION DATE: 16/03/2018 Reason: AGEA contributions
Ref. 2017 request
Quality improvement
Regg (EU) 611- 615/2014 as amended or added
RECEIVING PARTY: Agrisana Soc. Coop. Agricola – tax code
DISTRIBUTOR: A.G.E.A. (Agency for the
Disbursements in Agriculture)
AMOUNT COLLECTED: € 147,812.06
REASON: AGEA contributions
Ref. Request 2018

1st down payment THREE-YEAR ACTIVITY PROGRAM 2018-2021
Regulation (EU) 611- 615/2014 as amended
RECEIVING PARTY: Agrisana Soc. Coop. Agricola – tax code
DISTRIBUTOR: A.G.E.A. (Agency for the
Disbursements in Agriculture)
REASON: AGEA contributions
Ref. Request 2017
Balance for 3 years THREE YEAR PROGRAM
Regg (EU) 611-615/2014 and subsequent amendments


ANNO 2019

Dati pubblicati ai sensi della Legge 04/08/2017, n. 124 all’art. 1 comma 125 e s.s.

Prospetto delle informazioni relative agli obblighi di trasparenza ex Legge 124/2017

Agriservizi Società Cooperativa Agricola          cod. fisc. 02772350845

Agenzia per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura

c.f. 97181460581

€ 147.812,06 20/03/2019  

Contribuzione per le attività eseguite sul Programma comunitario di cui ai Regg. UE 611/615-2014 e s.m.i. prima annualità secondo acconto


Agriservizi Società Cooperativa Agricola          cod. fisc. 02772350845

Agenzia per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura

c.f. 97181460581

€ 147.896,45 07/06/2019  

Contribuzione per le attività eseguite sul Programma comunitario di cui ai Regg. UE 611/615-2014 e s.m.i. seconda annualità primo acconto



Agriservizi Società Cooperativa Agricola          cod. fisc. 02772350845

Agenzia per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura

c.f. 97181460581

€ 65,14 20/06/2019 Domanda unica di pagamento REG (UE) n. 1307/2013 campagna 2018 saldo


Agriservizi Società Cooperativa Agricola          cod. fisc. 02772350845

Agenzia per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura

c.f. 97181460581

€ 9.194,66 12/09/2019 Contribuzione per le attività eseguite sul Programma comunitario di cui ai Regg. UE 611/615-2014 e s.m.i. prima annualità secondo saldo


Agriservizi Società Cooperativa Agricola          cod. fisc. 02772350845

Agenzia per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura

c.f. 97181460581

€ 3.873,02 28/10/2019 Domanda unica di pagamento REG (UE) n. 1307/2013 campagna 2019 primo acconto


Agriservizi Società Cooperativa Agricola          cod. fisc. 02772350845

Agenzia per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura

c.f. 97181460581

€ 1.225,21 24/12/2019 Domanda unica di pagamento REG (UE) n. 1307/2013 campagna 2019 secondo acconto